Case study – Yatala


Service: Roof Restoration

Project overview:

A commercial/industrial roof in Yatala had persistent leaks, deteriorated skylight sheets, and worn-out fixtures, requiring an extensive restoration to prevent further damage.

yatala roof restoration

Solution and Work Carried Out

Roofshield implemented a comprehensive repair plan to restore the roof’s integrity and ensure long-term performance:

1. Leak Repairs: All active leaks were identified and sealed to prevent further water ingress.

2. Replacement of Skylight Sheets: Deteriorated skylight sheets were replaced with durable new materials, improving natural light penetration and waterproofing.

3. Full Rescrew of the Roof: Loose and corroded screws were removed and replaced with new fasteners, securing the roof panels and increasing wind resistance.

4. Replacement of Roof Penetration Boots: All vent pipe boots were replaced to ensure a proper seal and prevent potential leaks.


    The completed project eliminated leaks, reinforced the roof structure, and improved its overall performance.

    The upgraded skylight sheets provide better lighting, and the rescrewed panels enhance long-term durability.

    GE Enduris Availability in Australia:

    We’re thrilled to announce that the GE Enduris 3500 is now available in Australia. This product is distributed exclusively by Sunbond Coating. For those interested in purchasing, please visit the Sunbond website at Sunbond Coating.

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